Freelancing and starting your own business

It is relatively easy to set up your own business in Denmark, and there are several services assisting start-ups with knowledge of practicalities, courses, workshops and advice. SKAT and Local Business Services are the two services that you first and foremost need to know about.

We can also help you find your way to start-up environments in the local area. Feel free to book a 1:1 session with us to learn more.


Should you decide to work as a freelancer it might not be necessary to register as  a business but it is important to have this clarified with Skattestyrelsen (the Danish tax authority). They will typically evaluate your case and based on how much you expect to earn and how you are paid, classify you into one of four categories for tax purposes.

You can call Skattestyrelsen about this matter on tel. (+45) 72 22 28 81.

Find freelance opportunities here:







Starting a business

It is a good idea to visit the Danish tax authority (Skattestyrelsen) website as a first step to find out what is required when starting your own business.

On the Danish tax authority website you can find information and guides in English for:

  • Registering a business
  • Tax on own business
  • Tax rules for foreign businesses operating in Denmark
  • Etc. 

Skattestyrelsen offers guidance services free of charge to newly established businesses and companies on subjects such as tax, VAT and customs duties and help you get an overview of important deadlines.

Other resources for starting a business or freelancing

Some municipalities offer local business service advice for start-ups.

In Aarhus, you can attend information meetings in English for free and schedule a time to talk to a consultant on how to get started and how to grow your business and potentially how to get funding.

StartVækst Aarhus offers guidance to entrepreneurs and companies in and around the Aarhus area.